
You can observe a lot by watching.
-Yogi Berra
The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.
– Michael Jackson

When Bill and Craig sat down to write Chasing Excellence, they knew that, more than anything else, this book would be built on stories. Stories of triumphs and failures, funny stories, inspirational stories, stories that make you think. It’s one thing to read a story, but another thing to hear it directly from the person who lived it. Which is why, as a companion to this book, they decided to create a series of online videos and share them with you. Listen as they tell these stories in their own words, and learn directly from these masters how you too can Chase Excellence.

When the Light Goes On

Strategic Thought

Slow Build

The Photocopier Salesman

Commit or Exist

Nothing in Moderation

Nothing in Moderation: Part 2

The Jump Shot

Setting Up For Success

It All Comes Back to Chon Ji

Keep Your Quiver Full

Pay the Man and Conquer the Grind

Two Types of Pain

Tomato-Growing Contest


The 100 Degree Deal

Good Deeds

The Fax Machine

Oxxford Suits

Me to We

The Lone Ranger is Dead

Four Levels of Competency

The Black Hole List

The Great Strainer

Mentor in Disguise

Wisdom and Root Canals


The Art of Refinement

Vision and Structural Change

Just in Time Delivery

Best Laid Plans

The Mexico Deal

A Career of Base Hits

The Arcadia Rat Pack

Lee & Associates Platform